Barats and Bereta | E-Stores by Zome
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Barats and Bereta
Looks like you found the Barats and Bereta E-Store. Nice. So that you might enjoy your Barats and Bereta merchandise to the fullest extent, we suggest adhering to the following guidelines:

Be sure to check out the "Designs Being Retired" section. You have until January 31, 2011 to order these designs before they are gone forever!

1. If you see someone wearing Barats and Bereta merchandise, give him/her a high five.
2. If your Barats and Bereta merchandise should become damaged in any way, just pretend you bought it ripped at the GAP and that you paid $50 for it.
3. If you ever find yourself bored or unhappy, purchase more Barats and Bereta merchandise.

Thank you,
Luke and Joe

PLEASE NOTE: Barats and Bereta merchandise WILL make you popular and intelligent and desirable to both sexes.

This store is no longer active. Please call store sales representative, Zane Troester, at 509-279-2034 for more information.
Thank you.
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