Ye Merrie Greenwood Players | E-Stores by Zome
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Ye Merrie Greenwood Players

Ye Merrie Greenwood Faire was established in 1986 as a SunFest event. In 1989, Ye Merrie Greenwood Players, the people who "people" the "Faire", incorporated to became the only non-profit touring Renaissance Company in the State of Washington at that time. We tour throughout the Northwest, but the "Faire" is the culmination of the "Players" work and is the "Home Event" for the troupe.

The Greenwood Players consists of actors, dancers, and musicians of all ages. We bring Elizabethan England alive through song, dance, costuming, and environmental theatre. The company members research their own character and make their own costumes. The clothing they wear is a real expression both of the character they play and their own personality, as well as a representation of actual clothing of the times.

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