#NeverAgain | E-Stores by Zome
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What does #NeverAgain mean?

To us it is a movement to start the action of having lawmakers listen to our citizens about ideas of how to make communities and public areas safer. This is not about taking away 2nd Amendment rights. #NeverAgain supports the idea of communication and citizens being heard by our lawmakers.

These shirts can be worn year round and on specific days the movement is calling for national attention.  Right now we are pushing to get shirts out  for March 24th.  On March 24th kids and families will take to the streets of Washington DC to demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that we end gun violence and mass shootings in our schools and public areas.  Because not everyone can go to Washington DC, we are making sure the movement is seen in every state. On March 24th, we will all be wearing the blue. We will all be wearing #NeverAgain.
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