Storm FC
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 You are here: HomeStorm FC
Event Description:

Please come out and Join the Storm FC and EWU Women's Soccer team in their 5th Annual 3V3 tournament. This exciting format combined with a fun atmosphere and the beautiful soccer fields of EWU will make for an enjoyable experience for all.

Please fill out the information below to register your team. Once you complete this registration form, you will be emailed an event registration confirmation. Included in your registration are shirts for each player. All registrations will be packaged by team and available for pickup on the day of the event at the check-in / registration table.

For more information regarding this shoot out click here.

Please note:

  • If all players are premier, please register one age group up.
  • If you are traveling from out of state, travel papers are required.
  • Shirts are guaranteed to be delivered to the event unless you register after July 16th.  If you register after July 16th, your shirts may have to be mailed to you and shipping charges may apply.

Shirt Included with Registration for Each Player.  Coaches shirt not included, but you can order that below.

 √ Team Information:
Team Name:
Team Coach:
Coaches' Phone Number:
Team Gender:
 √ Club Information:
Club Name:
 √ Adult Bracket Only
Adult Bracket - Cost is $15.00 more:
Registration for the Adult Bracket is very limited and is on a first come-first-serve basis.  Register early!
 √ Team Age playing next fall (If all players are premier, register one age group up):
Select Age Group:
 √ Player 1 Information:
Player 1 Name:
Date of Birth:
Shirt Size:
 √ Player 2 Information:
Player 2 Name:
Date of Birth:
Shirt Size:
 √ Player 3 Information:
Player 3 Name:
Date of Birth:
Shirt Size:
 √ Player 4 Information:
Player 4 Name:
Date of Birth:
Shirt Size:
 √ Player 5 Information:
Player 5 Name:
Date of Birth:
Shirt Size:
 √ Additional Options:
Coaches shirts:


Extra Tournament Shirts:


   Copyright © 2025 E-Stores by Zome - A Division of Zome, Inc.         (888) 501-5510